The Future Of Nursing Homes

Jun 19 2020, 00:06
The Future Of Nursing Homes
Because we are in a situation of concern and uncertainty due to the presence of a pandemic, we really do not know what will happen in the future. Mainly because COVID-19 has caused us to live under quarantine so that we do not risk our lives in the presence of this disease. The problem here is that the assisted living Mexico sites are suffering severe damage, mainly because the elderly population is being affected the most. Hence, there is continuously the fear that some of the residents will present initial symptoms of the coronavirus. Although efforts have been made to have the various nursing homes in Mexico follow a more rigid health care protocol, the truth is that many of them have already presented older adults with the disease, putting others at risk. Because of this, many have been forced to go to the authorities and have tests done to see if those who work and the elderly themselves are free of the disease. But because there is little testing, many have had to take risks and move on. On the other hand, authorities recommend that caregivers should constantly seek training so that they know how to act in the presence of a suspicious case. As well as implementing specific regulations, such as: Limiting social activities It is essential to restrict the number of visits that older adults receive, regardless of whether they are from family members, so as not to expose them. Because, as mentioned, the elderly are the ones who are most exposed. In case someone working inside the facility has to leave, they will need to have the necessary protection, as well as when entering the facility, go through a process to disinfect the clothes. It is recommended that before seeing the adult, they take a bath. In this way, all germs will be eliminated. Visits to the doctor when is necessary In case there is a consultation program with the doctor or with any other specialist such as dentists in Tijuana, it should be analyzed if it is an emergency to go with them or just for a check-up. In case there are symptoms of this disease or any other, it will be better to talk to the professional to know what would be the most advisable thing to do for the elderly. If necessary, it is important that the person is not transported by public transport as the concentration of people can cause contagion. Therefore, it is better to choose a transport that is from the place. As for the caregivers and all those who work within the residence or asylum, they can follow the following recommendations: Do not share utensils - It is advised that cutlery or dishes should not be shared among residents, but if this cannot be avoided, cleaning them is essential. In case there is a suspected case or an adult with the disease, everything used should be unique and only used by that person. Be in communication- In case you are a dependent adult, you mustn't lose connection with them, since they lack attention can cause in the elderly very severe emotional problems, such as depression or deteriorate their diseases. If direct communication is not possible, calls can be made so that the older adult does not feel alone.